Dogs come first at Doggie Spa. Your work day doesn't have to leave your dog lonely. Drop off your pup at Doggie Spa on your way to work for a day of play, and pick up on your way home.
How Day Care Works
Sorry - We are not currently accepting new Day Care dogs.
Socialization is important for dogs. Whether you're heading to the office or working from home, quick, easy drop-offs, with optional self-service coded locking rooms (available with a monthly contract) make Doggie Spa's daycare the perfect choice to help your dog burn some energy and have a great time.
We offer our convenient 24/7 room access (when available) at no additional charge for dogs who join us at least three days per week when you pay for the month in advance. This allows you to drop off and pick up your dog even when our office is closed.
Our Day Care dogs are outside for the entire morning, and have rest time from 11:30 to 3:30 in their private, climate controlled rooms before returning to the play yards for more fun in the afternoon.
Please be sure to look over our FAQ
page, our Pricing
and our complete Policy
information for more details.
Call us:919-932-4738
We're just a phone call, a text, or an email away!